Live out your true self

Genderqueer advocacy on media
As a passionate advocate, Siufung Law takes great pride in every media coverage of their story on gender fluidity. These news coverage ranges from local to international media, students' work to established broadcasting networks. Siufung believes in the power of visibility, which would lead to demystifying the misunderstanding of genderfluid concepts.
Eaton Hotel
June 12, 2022
Siufung speaks at the post-screening of "From Individual to the world: Exploring Gender and Sexuality Fluidity" at Pride at Eaton 2022
110% Hong Kong Videocast
June 12, 2022
Siufung participated in the videocast of Together Apart videocast on sharing their experience on advocacy, bodybuilding and pandemic.
May 19, 2022
Siufung was invited to the podcast of August to talk about their bodybuilding experience and why it was important to include trans and nonbinary folks on issues of menstruation
Kely Support Group Moments of Impact Exhibition
September 9-13, 2021
Siufung was nominated as one of the 30 Ambassadors of "Moments of Impact"
Nose in the Books
July 25, 2021
Siufung's workshop on "Looking Inward: 酷兒精神與身體"
China Daily
October 9, 2020
“I help shape their body and, more importantly, boost their confidence with their gender status. How one feels about one’s physical appearance is linked to one’s mental health.”
“I set to use sport to empower my students to feel better about their body, and build solidarity, community and belonging.”
Heinrich Böll Stiftung
September 9, 2020
"You really gotta love yourself, and be honest about who you are. Never mind what other people think… With love and honesty, you will attract like-minded people to love you.”
Podcast: Hong Kong Heartbeat
August 5, 2020
Podcast of Siufung Law on bodybuilding and academic career.
Cupid Producer丘品創作
July 29, 2020
小風由細到大都會對自己身分產生猶豫,掙扎係天秤上男或女嘅兩端,又曾經表示「若上帝造男造女,我是被造錯了的一個」。 今日嘅佢係一位性別酷兒 (Gender Queer),唔屬於男或女任何一邊”生理是女性,社交是男性”。
Period Futurist
July 1, 2020
“Transgender, gender nonbinary, and intersex people are highly invisible in the discussion of menstrual healthcare. for instance, which bathrooms can they safely (physically and psychologically) use while they menstruate? an ideal future for periods is when everyone accepts that menstrual experiences are not limited to biologically and socially women. not everyone who identifies as a woman menstruates, and not every person who menstruates identifies as a woman.”
hokk Fabrica
June 29, 2020
Feature 13 Things about Siufung Law
Radio Television Hong Kong
June 14, 2020
Siufung talked about their views on menstrators that include transgender and nonbinary folks in Hong Kong
Trans Sport Media
January 24, 2020
Gender fluid bodybuilder, Siufung Law was born female, identifies socially as male and competes in all-women bodybuilding competitions. Siufung is actively promoting gender inclusion and diversity in Hong Kong and Asia, and is an Ambassador for the 2022 Gay Games in Hong Kong.
Pearl Magazine
December 2, 2019
"I want to participate in the women bodybuilding category to be able to showcase to the world, to everyone and in particular to Asian women themselves that, they can be muscular if they want, they don't need to be confined by their binary or boundaries of what women or man should behave or look like"
BBC News
February 21, 2019
"I think we should not use chest to decide whether one's gender. Gender is not binary, it could be diverse and fluid. I am just me."
South China Morning Post
November 10, 2018
“Bodybuilding has also helped me reflect on how much we internalise what society considers masculine and feminine.”